1. Testing the nullity of the between variance


    This article is a follow-up of the previous one.

    Recall that we consider the balanced one-way random effect ANOVA model. We use the index \(i\in\{1,\ldots,I\}\) for the group index and the index \(j\in\{1,\ldots,J\}\) for the observation index within a group.

    The function SimData below simulates from this model.

    SimData <- function(I, J, mu, sigmab, sigmaw){
      group <- gl(I, J, labels=LETTERS[1:I])
      DT <- data.table(group = group, 
                       y = mu + rep(rnorm(I, sd=sigmab), each=J) + rnorm(I*J, sd=sigmaw),
                       key = "group")
    ( DT <- SimData(I=2, J=3, mu=0, sigmab=1, sigmaw=2) )
    ##    group          y
    ## 1:     A -0.3734198
    ## 2:     A  1.6443825
    ## 3:     A  0.8613981
    ## 4:     B -6.6141322
    ## 5:     B -0.3080895
    ## 6:     B -3.6330317

    The summaryStats function below calculates the three summary statistics \(\bar y\), \({\mathrm{ss}}_b\) and \({\mathrm{ss}}_w\).

    summaryStats <- function(DT){
      DT[, `:=`(means = rep(mean(y), each=.N)), by=group]
      ssw <- DT[, { squares = (y-means)^2
                    .(ssw = sum(squares))}]$ssw
      ybar <- mean(DT$y)
      DT[, `:=`(Mean = ybar)]
      ssb <- DT[, { squares = (means-Mean)^2
                    .(ssb = sum(squares))}]$ssb
      return(c(ybar=ybar, ssb=ssb, ssw=ssw))
    ##      ybar       ssb       ssw 
    ## -1.403815 26.829259 21.972580

    The distribution of the generalized pivotal quantity \(G_{\sigma^2_b}\) (see previous article) can be seen as a “posterior distribution” of \(\sigma^2_b\):

    I <- 3L; J <- 4L
    mu <- 0; sigmab <- 0; sigmaw <- 2
    n <- 1e6L
    Z <- rnorm(n); U2b <- rchisq(n, I-1); U2w <- rchisq(n, I*(J-1))
    sss <- summaryStats(SimData(I, J, mu, sigmab, sigmaw))
    Gsigma2b <- 1/J*(sss["ssb"]/U2b - sss["ssw"]/U2w)
    plot(density(Gsigma2b, from=-5, to=5))
    abline(v=0, lty="dashed")

    However, the between variance \(\sigma^2_b\) is a positive parameter. Therefore it makes sense to replace \(G_{\sigma^2_b}\) with \(\max\bigl\{0, G_{\sigma^2_b}\bigr\}\). Thus, our “posterior distribution” becomes a mixture of a Dirac mass at \(0\) and a density on the positive numbers:

    p <- mean(Gsigma2b<0)
    plot(density(Gsigma2b, from=0, to=5), main=NA,
         xlim=c(-1,5), ylim=c(0,1), 
         xlab=expression(sigma[b]^2), ylab=NA,
         axes=FALSE, cex.lab=1.5)
    polygon(x=c(0,0,-1,-1), y=c(0,p,p,0), 
            col="gray", border="gray")
    axis(1, at=0:5)
    axis(2, at=seq(0,1,by=.2), las = 2,  labels=c("0%","20%","20%","60%","80%","100%"))

    The mass at \(0\) is the posterior probability that \(\sigma^2_b = 0\). Let us call \(p\) this probability.

    It is quite interesting to observe the following fact. If \(\sigma^2_b = 0\), then simulations show that \(p\) seemingly follows a uniform distribution on \([0,1]\):

    I <- 2L; J <- 3L
    mu <- 0; sigmab <- 0; sigmaw <- 2
    n <- 1e6L
    U2b <- rchisq(n, I-1); U2w <- rchisq(n, I*(J-1))
    nsims <- 10000L
    SIMS <- t(vapply(1:nsims, function(i){
       summaryStats(SimData(I, J, mu, sigmab, sigmaw))
    p <- numeric(nsims)
    for(i in 1:nsims){
      ssb <- SIMS[i,"ssb"]; ssw <- SIMS[i,"ssw"]
      Gsigma2b <- 1/J*(ssb/U2b - ssw/U2w)
      p[i] <- mean(Gsigma2b<0)
    abline(0, 1, lty="dashed", col="blue")

    In fact, it exactly follows a uniform distribution. We will easily prove it.

    Therefore, it provides a perfect \(p\)-value for the null hypothesis \(H_0\colon\{\sigma^2_b=0\}\), that is, rejecting \(H_0\) when \(p < \alpha\) provides a test with significance level \(\alpha\).


    Assuming \(\sigma^2_b=0\), \[ \begin{align*} \Pr(G_{\sigma^2_b} < 0) & = \Pr\left(\frac{U^2_w}{U^2_b} < \frac{{\mathrm{ss}}_w}{{\mathrm{ss}}_b} \right) \\ & = F\left(\frac{{\mathrm{ss}}_w}{{\mathrm{ss}}_b} \right) \end{align*} \] where \(F\) is the cdf of \(\frac{U^2_w}{U^2_b}\).

    The result follows from the fact that \(\frac{{\mathrm{SS}}_w}{{\mathrm{SS}}_b}\) has the same distribution as \(\frac{U^2_w}{U^2_b}\) when \(\sigma^2_b=0\), and from the well-known fact that \(G(X)\) follows the uniform distribution on \([0,1]\) whenever \(X\) is a continuous random variable and \(G\) is its cdf.

    One-sided confidence intervals

    Simulations also show that the above property almost holds for the null hypothesis \(H_0\colon\{\sigma^2_b=\theta_0\}\) for any \(\theta_0\), versus the one-sided alternative hypothesis \(H_1\colon\{\sigma^2_b>\theta_0\}\) or \(H_1\colon\{\sigma^2_b<\theta_0\}\). That would mean that the one-sided generalized confidence intervals about \(\sigma^2_b\) are almost exact confidence intervals.

    sigmab <- 2
    SIMS <- t(vapply(1:nsims, function(i){
       summaryStats(SimData(I, J, mu, sigmab, sigmaw))
    p <- test <- numeric(nsims)
    for(i in 1:nsims){
      ssb <- SIMS[i,"ssb"]; ssw <- SIMS[i,"ssw"]
      Gsigma2b <- 1/J*(ssb/U2b - ssw/U2w)
      p[i] <- mean(Gsigma2b<sigmab^2)
      test[i] <- sigmab^2 < quantile(Gsigma2b, 0.95)
    abline(0, 1, lty="dashed", col="blue")

    # coverage
    ## [1] 0.9476